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RallyCap Sports Inclusive Playground
at Carter Park

Bowling Green, Ohio

The new RallyCap Sports Inclusive Playground at Carter Park will have several unique features making for a memorable visit. A larger-than-life wheelchair-accessible log in the center of the play space will allow kids to explore, climb and imagine play together. Northwest Ohio is known for its lack of hills but not on this playground. A 5’ high artificial turf hillside and slides will create unique challenges for any visitor. Friends and family will also get to enjoy a wheelchair swing in Wood County. This easy access-designed swing will ensure all can experience the joy of gliding through the air. And for thrill-seekers, a 7-foot high climbing course will challenge their ability to race to the top.

Explore the Playground

Inclusive playgrounds feature unique types of play spaces that are both accessible and ultra-fun. Below are just a few of the special pieces of playground equipment that make the RallyCap Inclusive Playground at Carter Park .

Thank You

A special thank you to all of the families, individuals, and businesses that donated their time, talents, gifts, and passion.

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Peggy Schmeltz

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